Sunday, May 27, 2012

Increase Your Metabolism with Hypnosis

Increase Your Metabolism with Hypnosis

Through hypnosis and by tapping into the power of your subconscious mind, you can accept the following suggestions to increase your metabolism.

In order for you to increase your metabolism, you need to eat a big breakfast, and then 5 small meals during the course of the day. A small snack a couple of hours after breakfast, a small lunch, a small snack a couple of hours after lunch, a small dinner, and a small snack a couple of hours after dinner. Remember, skipping meals actually slows your metabolism. If you skip meals, you’ll become ravenous and overeat. People who practice yoga are called yogis. Yogis eat little and often. So remember to eat like a yogi, eating little and often.

Another way to increase your metabolism is to build muscle. Your body burns 50 calories a day to burn each pound of muscle, and only 2 calories a day to burn each pound of fat. So the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn automatically, just to maintain that muscle. The best way to build muscle is to do weight bearing exercises. If you can’t lift weights, then you can always walk. People have tremendous success building muscle and losing weight by simply walking everyday. In order to increase your metabolism, you need to eat more fiber. More fruits, vegetables, and bran. A high fiber diet will increase your metabolism.

A good visual representation or guided imagery to help your subconscious mind increase your metabolism is to think about a fireplace. Imagine you can hear the sound of a crackling log in a fireplace. And as you hear the sound of a crackling log in a fireplace, and you smell the aroma of the flames, and you feel the warmth of the fire, this helps you to see a fireplace in your mind’s eye. Imagine adding small amounts of kindling to keep the log burning. Imagine using a bellows to add oxygen to the fire to keep it burning. That’s how your metabolism works. Eating small amounts of food, just like adding small amounts of kindling to a fireplace, will allow your metabolism to burn up food and fat like a fireplace burns up an old log. Every so often when you’re eating stop and take deep breaths, just like using a bellows on a fire, to allow your metabolism to continuously burn up food. Visualize yourself burning up food and fat like a fireplace burns up and old log. When you sit down to eat say to yourself “I burn up food and fat like a fireplace burns up an old log” and create a visual representation of a fireplace burning up an old log and you adding kindling and oxygen to the fire. That’s the way your metabolism works.

About Tony Longobardi, Certified Hypnotist. Tony has a private hypnosis practice in Phoenixville and is a member of the Phoenixville Chamber of Commerce. Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, he teaches self hypnosis classes at Owen J. Roberts Adult Education in Pottstown and the Widener University Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Exton.

You can contact Tony by phone at 610.659.0526

For more info on Tony and Hypnosis, visit

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Change the Way you Eat using Hypnosis

Change the Way you Eat using Hypnosis

Once you’ve identified what your unhealthy eating habit is- why you eat- the next step is to change the way you eat. Most of us eat mindlessly. We eat fast while we’re doing something else like watching TV. We are unaware of eating. Through hypnosis you can eat mindfully instead of mindlessly. Eating mindfully means to be fully aware of the eating experience. Now to lose weight, you must eat less. But you must still feel satisfied or else you’ll binge. By eating mindfully you can eat less and still feel satisfied.

Through hypnosis you can eat mindfully and cut your portions in half. Whatever you normally eat, you can cut it in half. Using smaller plates, you can have half the plate with vegetables, a quarter of your plate with lean protein, and a quarter of your plate with grains. And you can have fruit for dessert. Through hypnosis you can cut your portions in half and eat little and often.

Through hypnosis you can become more mindful of your food. You can make the eating experience pleasurable. When you’re at home, you can set the table using nice fancy plates. Smaller plates, but nice plates. Flowers on the table and a nice tablecloth. Make the eating experience enjoyable. Focus only on eating. No TV. No reading. Become aware only of eating. If you’re with your family and friends you can enjoy conversation with them. When you sit down to eat, you can visualize a fireplace. You can visualize your body burning up food and fat like a fireplace burns up an old log. You can say to yourself “my body burns up food and fat like a fireplace burns up an old log.” You can have an attitude of gratitude for your food, being grateful for all that it took to get your food to your table. And you can use all your senses. You can look at the color of your food, the shape of your food. You can hear the sound of your food when you’re chewing it. You can feel the texture of your food in your mouth. You can smell the aroma of your food and taste the flavor of your food. Every so often you can put down your fork or spoon and take some deep breaths, imagining you’re using a bellows to add oxygen to a fire to keep it burning.

I was watching my dog eat once, and he inhales his food. Remember, we’re not dogs. We can enjoy our food and eat slowly. Using hypnosis you can eat mindfully. When you eat mindfully, you’ll be more aware of when you’re almost full and stop. You’ll be able to eat less and enjoy it more.

About Tony Longobardi, Certified Hypnotist. Tony has a private hypnosis practice in Phoenixville and is a member of the Phoenixville Chamber of Commerce. Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, he teaches self hypnosis classes at Owen J. Roberts Adult Education in Pottstown and the Widener University Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Exton.

You can contact Tony by phone at 610.659.0526

For more info on Tony and Hypnosis, visit

Thursday, May 10, 2012

How Can You Change Unhealthy Eating Habits with Hypnosis

How Can You Change Unhealthy Eating Habits with Hypnosis

There’s been a lot in the news about obesity in this country. The cover of Newsweek magazine had a picture of a baby holding French fries. The caption read: When I grow up I’m going to be 300 pounds. Help!

Hypnosis is a great tool to use to lose weight. This will be a 6 part series on how to use hypnosis to lose weight. Today we’ll talk about how hypnosis can change unhealthy eating habits; or change why we eat.

We all eat for other reasons besides hunger. We eat because of anger, boredom, celebration, companionship, sadness, stress, other people, time of day. We eat for emotional reasons. Just knowing this and why you eat is the first step in changing your eating habits. Through hypnosis you can discover why you eat and take control so that you eat only when hungry and stop when just about full.

Through hypnosis you become more aware of your body. You become aware of when you’re truly hungry. You recall a time when you were very hungry and a time when you were stuffed. Then you can program your subconscious mind to never wait until you’re very hungry to eat and to never continue to eat until you’re stuffed. You learn to listen to the inner wisdom of your subconscious mind.

When doing your reinforcement at home, you give yourself positive auto suggestions like “I control food, food does not control me” or “I eat when I’m hungry and stop when I’m almost full.” Why does your subconscious mind accept these suggestions. Because you remind yourself of your motivation to lose weight and eat healthy. Any goal can be accomplished when you are constantly reminded of your motivation.

Through repetition and reinforcement, you begin to notice changes in why you eat.
Next time we’ll talk about how hypnosis can help you to change the way you eat.

About Tony Longobardi, Certified Hypnotist. Tony has a private hypnosis practice in Phoenixville and is a member of the Phoenixville Chamber of Commerce. Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, he teaches self hypnosis classes at Owen J. Roberts Adult Education in Pottstown and the Widener University Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Exton.

You can contact Tony by phone at 610.659.0526
For more info on Tony and Hypnosis, visit

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What is Hypnosis

What is Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a wonderful modality to improve your life. But what is hypnosis. Hypnosis is the state between wakefulness and sleep where the mind is especially alert and open to positive suggestions. The suggestions must be positive in nature. You must want the change in your life. A hypnotist can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. But a hypnotist can empower you to make yourself produce positive change in your life.

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state. We all go into hypnosis. Have you ever read a book and been so engrossed in the book that you may hear road work outside, or someone may be talking to you, but it doesn’t bother you. You’re totally engrossed in the book. Have you ever been to the movies and you’re focused on the screen and have an emotional response to the movie.

Have you ever been in a boring meeting and your mind drifts to a more exciting place. Have you ever driven from point A to point B. Something’s on your mind and when you get to point B, you think to yourself “How did I get here so fast.” That’s an example of your conscious mind thinking about one thing and your subconscious mind being on autopilot. Like when we were kids and tried to tie our shoes or ride a bike. Consciously it was very difficult. But now we can tie our shoes with our eyes closed or get right on a bike and ride it. Our subconscious minds are on autopilot. That’s how hypnosis works to produce positive changes in our lives. It happens automatically.

What do you experience in a hypnosis session. You will experience a deep feeling of relaxation. Maybe the best relaxation you’ve ever felt. Your body will feel either very heavy or very light. You will hear everything. You will remember everything. You will see everything. You will hear other sounds, think other thoughts. If you do yoga or meditation, it’s very similar to meditation. In meditation your brain waves decrease, your breathing rate decreases, your heart rate decreases, your blood pressure decreases, and your stress hormones decrease. It’s the same with being in hypnosis. Doesn’t that sound good.

Who can be hypnotized. Well first of all, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. The hypnotist doesn’t really hypnotize you. The hypnotist is your coach. The hypnotist guides you to hypnotize yourself. So if you have a good imagination, are intelligent, and can concentrate, you can be guided to place yourself in hypnosis.

Now I’d like to dispel the 3 most common myths about hypnosis that have developed because of TV, movies, and stage hypnotism. The 3 most common myths about hypnosis are: 1. That you’ll lose control in hypnosis. 2. That you’ll reveal secrets in hypnosis and 3. That you could get stuck in hypnosis. These are all myths.

You don’t lose control in hypnosis. You’re in control. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. Your awareness increases in hypnosis. You’re not unconscious. You’re not asleep, you’re not awake, you’re in that in between state. You hear everything, you remember everything, you see everything.

You won’t reveal secrets in hypnosis. You’re not going to say anything in hypnosis that you wouldn’t say when not in hypnosis.

You can’t get stuck in hypnosis. No matter how deeply you go into hypnosis, you can always come out of hypnosis. Now if you were having a hypnosis session and you were in a deep state of hypnosis and the hypnotist left the room, what would happen to you. Well, since your awareness increases in hypnosis and you hear everything, you would hear the hypnotist leave the room, open your eyes, and wonder what happened. So you can’t get stuck in hypnosis.

About Tony Longobardi, Certified Hypnotist. Tony has a private hypnosis practice in Phoenixville and is a member of the Phoenixville Chamber of Commerce. Certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists, he teaches self hypnosis classes at Owen J. Roberts Adult Education in Pottstown and the Widener University Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Exton.

You can contact Tony by phone at 610.659.0526
For more info on Tony and Hypnosis,