Friday, March 8, 2013

Increase Confidence and Self Esteem using Hypnosis

Increase Confidence and Self Esteem using Hypnosis

The final step in my Weight Loss program is to increase confidence and self-esteem using hypnosis. That’s because when you feel good about yourself, you can accomplish any goal; including weight loss.

There are a lot of complicated definitions for self-esteem. But the simplest definition of self-esteem is how much you like yourself. How much you like yourself is the #1 factor in how successful you are in every aspect of your life.

One way to increase confidence and self-esteem is to say to yourself  “I like myself, I like myself, I like myself” as if you were saying it loud enough for someone to hear you 100 yards away. “I like myself, I like myself, I like myself.”


Another way is to remember a time in your past when you behaved in a particularly satisfying way; remembering what you saw, heard, and felt. Then instructing your subconscious mind to use the resources you used back then in the goal you want to accomplish now; using the mannerism and attitude you used back then during the present situation.


If you have negative self talk, one of the best ways to deal with that is to change the voice of the negative self talk into a silly cartoon characters voice; like Elmer Fudd or Woody Woodpecker.  Or you can change the voice to someone you just can’t take seriously; like Slick Willy’s voice when he said “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, or Marylyn Monroe’s voice when she sang “Happy Birthday Mister President”.


One of the best ways to increase your self-appreciation is to experience the “Seeing yourself through the eyes of love” technique. In this technique, you imagine you’re sitting at your desk, writing your autobiography. You imagine someone who you know loves you is watching you as you write your autobiography. Then you imagine leaving your body, entering into the body of the person who loves you, and seeing yourself through the eyes of the person who loves you. Then returning to your body and writing what you saw, heard, and felt through the eyes of the person who loves you. This experience will provide you with the kind of deep personal self-appreciation, confidence, and self-esteem to accomplish any goal you truly want to accomplish.


These techniques, when done in the hypnotic state, are supercharged.

About Tony Longobardi, Certified Hypnotist.

Tony has a private hypnosis practice in Phoenixville and is a member of the Phoenixville Chamber of Commerce.

Certified in Clinical Hypnotism by the National Guild of Hypnotists, he teaches
Self-Hypnosis classes at Owen J. Roberts Adult Education in Pottstown and the Widener University Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Exton.

You can contact Tony by phone at 610.659.0526
For more info on Tony and Hypnosis, visit